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Контрол над темата Начин на разглеждане
Стар 16-06-2011
Аватара на Онджичек
Онджичек Онджичек не е на линия
мега форумец

Дата на присъединяване: Oct 2009
Местоположение: СФ
Мнения: 955
Благодари: 889
Получил благодарност:
302 пъти в 189 поста
Сваляния: 177
Ъплоуди: 8
По подразбиране Частично решение за "фалшификатори" на локални карти

How to - Stop your cards being stolen by oscam users who are faking                 

This is a quick how to for those of you who want to protect your  local card after the recent rise of card fakers/stealers. With oscam  currently users can take your c line that you have given and put direct  to oscam thus bypassing any reshare limits you set. They can then go one  step furthur and fake your local with the 256 trick in cccam versions  prior to 2.1.4. Nice and easy to use and just some settings to add.


So if you have a peer who is doing re-sharing/faking  do the following:

In your oscam config directory create a file and put in it:

# anti-cascading table
# format: <CAID>:<provider ID>=<seconds>

here is an example for sly italia . note the format as above 
093B:000000 = 9


In your oscam.conf add following:
enabled = 1
numusers = 1
sampletime = 2
samples = 5
penalty = 0
aclogfile = /var/log/oscam_ac.log
denysamples = 9
fakedelay = 1000

In oscam.user, for each guilty user add:
penalty = 1

This will work as follows:

oscam will sample every user for ecm requests for 15 minutes. If a bad,  bad guy exceeds the limit oscam will send a fake cw for the next 9  samples. If in userfile you do penalty = 0 the user will not be punished  but it will be logged in aclog file. Do not go too tight with the  settings as people chnge channels and create additional ecm requests.
Above settings works a treat.

Последно редактирано от Онджичек : 16-06-2011 на 12:09
Отговори с цитат
Следните потребители (5) благодарят на Онджичек за този полезен пост
okmes (26-07-2011), ppet (16-06-2011), The Pink Panter (02-07-2011), thunderstorm6 (06-07-2011), турбо (03-07-2011)

Съобщения от Devil M
VIVO Rent A Car  

За, карти, локални, на, решение, фалшификатори, Частично

Активни потребители разглеждащи тази тема в момента: 1 (0 членове и 1 гости)

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